Monday, June 16, 2008

Ya Llegamos!!

We finally arrived in Xela on Saturday after 13 hours in airports and on the plane and another 5 hours in a van --- we don't want to see the inside of a plane or car for a long time!! Although the ride was long, we were amazed by the beautiful volcanoes, mountains, blue skies and fluffy clouds. Guatemala is a beautiful country, both its landscape and people.

On Sunday we attended mass at the cathedral in the center of town. It was encouraging and impacting to see the cathedral packed with standing room only in the back. God is drawing many people to himself as he moves and transforms hearts and lives. Our prayer is that as we walk the streets and interact with people that we will see God at work and join what he is doing.

This week is all about orientation and visiting various ministries in Xela. Today we started with an orientation to Xela as a city as well as some safety and cultural tips as we dive into life in a new place. We visited an old folks home (see slide show), each one of us touched by the men we met. Upon entering the courtyard, we were greeted by Don Pedro. He is 101 years old and has gone blind due to catarats. As we greeted him, Pedro grabbed ahold of our arms, gently caressing each one. One by one, the men shared part of their stories eager to have visitors. Although each of them have been abandoned by family members, they are together in this house caring for one another and experiencing the love of God in the small things.

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