Monday, June 30, 2008

A Kiss to Remember

Some days the kids greet you with a smile and other days they hardly look you in the eye, full of shame. To my great surprise, as I saw Javier on Saturday, he came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was elated and will always cherish that kiss. Later, Javier came over to us with his backpack and pulled out two photo albums to show us pics of his friends and former teachers. This backpack is small and stuffed full of all Javier treasures in this life. He leaves it with a friend he trusts so it won't get lost or stolen on the street. Javier was very excited to share this with us and made sure we all saw each and every picture. This time of sharing was precious, a rare peek into Javier's life and what he holds close to his heart. Tonight I think about that kiss as I picture Javier sleeping on the street. If I could, I would go give him a kiss right now but rather say a prayer for Javier's safety and ask the Lord to be close to him and shower him with his love. Definitely a kiss to remember for the rest of my life.

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