Friday, June 27, 2008

Star Player

We hit the soccer field again last night. Seven of our new friends joined us -- we took a 20 minute crowded bus ride to the field during which Samaya was sure to greet every person who was on the bus. As the game started, there was one player who stood above the rest -- Samaya. She won the hearts of all the kids as they encouraged her to kick the ball and she responded with a big smile and heartfelt laugh. A good time was had by all and yes, we had pizza again (the kids favorite). As we got off the bus, we all gave each other handshakes and told the kids to take care of themselves...that is no small task for a kid who lives on the streets. We came home to a warm shower and bed, a huge luxury in comparison to the floor or park bench.


nuestrosmundo said...

hola avilas. que bonita es tu hija.
en otra noticias...
porque no tienes mi blog en tus links?!

Unknown said...

Hi Mel! I've been checking your blog every couple of's soo neat to see pictures. Samaya is beautiful! Hugs to you! I love you!

Linda Bowman