Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hard to Swallow

It's Tuesday night and we set out for the park around 5:00 pm; ready with ham and cheese sandwiches, soda and potato chips. Our plan was to do an art project with the kids and then eat together. We arrived at the park and went to the kid's normal hang out one was there. Amelia and I (Melanie) headed for the dormitorio to see if some of the kids were there. We entered, sat down, and waited. Within a few minutes, Miguel came staggering through the door stone drunk (we had never seen him in this state before). Soon after came Jose, stone drunk as well. We went back to the park only to find Javier passed out on the ground, high from sniffing glue. It's one thing to know that this is their reality, it's another to actually see them in the midst of their addictions. We sat down and prayed for awhile, lifting the kids and our feelings and hopes for them to the Lord. This afternoon was hard to swallow.....but it got a bit brighter as we finished praying and saw Javier walking towards us. He sat down and we ate together...a ham and cheese sandwich never taste soo good.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading in your blog about things you won't forget and special moments (ex: the kiss and the photo albums). I can't help but sense that YOU and your team will be that very same thing to the boys you're pouring yourselves into this summer. How will they ever know how much God loves and adores them if no one takes interest in them and their struggles here? Thank you for loving them so well. It has been inspiring for me to go on this adventure with you vicariously through your blog. Thanks for keeping us in your loop.

Anonymous said...

Well Julio and Melinie came to my church today and i really got into thier story.I WAS JUST really into it when they talk about how kids get kicked out of thier house at the age of 6. But learning about what you guys are doing for them makes me feel glad.I felt that the Lord was telling me to listen and he made me feel sad depresed for those kids.I then really wanted to help them in any way.But again I thank you for your help.Please keep us posted.